الشرق الأوسط
لبنان: المواد الغذائية في مهبّ “كورونا” ونقص الدولار
جهود لترميم الحكومة اللبنانية من الداخل بدءاً بتعديل الخطة الإنقاذية
انتقادات لمسودة الخطة الإنقاذية اللبنانية… ووزير الصناعة يعلن رفضه “المس بحقوق الناس”
Netanyahu’s Ministers of Mayhem Are Ruining Israel’s Comeback From Coronavirus
As if Coronavirus Wasn’t Enough, Israel’s Constitutional Contagion Is Out of Control as Well
Imagine Israel Sending Sheldon Adelson to a State-run Quarantine?
عناوين الصحف الدولية ليوم الإثنين 13 نيسان 2020
The new York times
Oil Nations, Prodded by Trump, Reach Deal to Slash Production
De Blasio Used Last-Minute Text to Tell Cuomo Schools Would Stay Shut
U.S.: Trump Signals Frustration With Fauci Amid Criticism of Slow Response
The Washington Post
Demand from virus patients creates shortages of asthma drugs and sedatives for ventilator patients
Reopening economy by May 1 may be unrealistic, say experts, including some in administration
Tampa pastor who defied order limiting size of gatherings live-streams Easter sermon
The Independent
UK hospital deaths hit 10,000 as Boris Johnson leaves hospital
US could start to reopen next month, top health expert says
Iran to begin reopening for business despite warnings
Le Monde
Le silence de l’ONU face aux bombardements russes en Syrie
Coronavirus : en Italie, Giuseppe Conte doit jouer les équilibristes entre Bruxelles et les souverainistes
Le Covid-19, vecteur du « soft power » de Pékin en Afrique
المصدر: “ملحق”